CyanogenMod 12 a.k.a CM12 coming soon to a phone near you

Google pushed the Android 5.0 Lollipop update to various Nexus devices yesterday, and along with that also updated the AOSP code with the little missing things that now make the Android 5.0 AOSP code complete. And with that, the CyanogenMod team has announced their plans of CM12, the Lollipop based build of the highly popular CyanogenMod custom ROM.

The CM team has stated that work is going on at full pace for incorporating the CM features with the Android 5.0 Lollipop. And that independent developers are welcomed to use and build upon the work CM team has done so far.

CM12 is nowhere near stable at this time, so the team won’t release CM12 nightlies just now. Android 5.0 Lollipop brings along a whole new design launcuage, Material design. So it’ll take time for the CM team to match their features with the new Material look of stock Android 5.0 Lollipop release by Google.

We are unlikely to enable nightlies against CM12 until towards the end of this month, or early next month, as we work to incorporate the CM features you’ve all come to appreciate into the new code base, and reimagine those that no longer translate to the Material look of L. It is also currently too soon to tell how many devices will transition from 11 to 12, though early traction has this number higher than we had initially hypothesized.

The CM12 nightlies should be available for selected devices by the end of this month or early in December 2014. But, the code for CM12 is out, so expect a rapid influx of unofficial CM12 based custom ROMs for various Android devices out there. We’ll do our best at posting about the latest CM12 releases as they happen on XDA or anywhere else on the internet.

If you’re a developer, or you’re interested in building a CM12 ROM. Here’s a message fro you from the CM team:

Home builders and community members are welcome to take a peek at the builds at their leisure, just repo init the new branch using the following command:

repo init -u -b cm-12.0

via CyanogenMod Blog

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Shivam is our resident designer and web developer who also enjoys writing. He loves to meditate, drive on the freeways and hunt for snipers during his Call Of Duty playtime. Email: