Huawei launched its latest budget offering, the Honor Play 6A, just yesterday painted in four different hues — Pink, Blue, Silver and Gold. Now, we have come across real world pics of the smartphone donning all the four colors. And we must admit that despite coming in the affordable section, this pics of the Honor Play 6A with full metal body look quite cool.
At its heart, the smartphone carries octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 430 processor paired with Adreno 505 GPU. Underneath the 5-inch HD display we find a 3020mAh battery. A 13MP rear sensor and a 5MP selfie snapper sit at the back and front respectively.
The Honor Play 6A comes in two storage versions — 2GBRAM/16GB ROM and 3GBRAM/32GB ROM. The former is carries a price tag of 799 yuan while the premium version will set you back by 999 yuan. The phone runs Android 7.0 Nougat with EMUI 5.1 layering on top.
Read: Honor Holly 3 update / Honor 6X Nougat update
As of now, the Honor 6A is available only in China at Huawei’s official online store Vmall. It will also be sold on Chinese e-commerce site Jingdong.
Honor Play 6A Pictures
Via: Weibo