AT&T rolling out new updates for Galaxy Note 8, Note 5 and S8 Active

The AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note 8, Galaxy Note 5, and the Galaxy S8 Active have all received new software updates that bring bug fixes and improvements.

If you own any of these devices from AT&T, you may probably have received the update notification by now. The new software updates were released over the weekend. It includes a fix for the Blueborne vulnerability and installs the latest December Android security patch.

And that’s about all there is in these new updates, some bug fixes, and a newer Android security patch. The software build number for the Galaxy Note 5 is N920AUCS4EQL1, for the Galaxy Note 8 it’s N950USQS2BQL5, and for the Galaxy S8 Active, it’s G892AUCS2AQL1.

Samsung Oreo update release date

The Galaxy Note 5 and S8 Active are running Android 7.0 Nougat, whereas the Galaxy Note 8 is running on Android 7.1.1. We recommend that you install the new updates as soon as you get the notification on your device. Make sure your device has more than 50 percent charge and is connected to a stable Wi-Fi network.

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