AIO Toolkit for HTC Rezound and myTouch 4G Slide

All-in-One toolkits are very useful when it comes to having a single tool for hacks such as unlocking bootloaders, rooting or install custom recoveries on Android devices. XDA Recognized Developer hasoon2000 has released his AIO toolkit for the HTC Rezound and the myTouch 4G Slide, in a similar vein as his AIO toolkits for many other HTC devices.

The All-in-One Toolkit for the Rezound and the myTouch 4G Slide can perform the following functions, with more to be added later according to the developer:

  • Guide through S-Off process
  • Flash new HBOOT
  • Flash Custom Recoveries

One does need to have an unlocked bootloader via in order to use the toolkit for either device, which voids warranty, but if you were concerned about warranty, you wouldn’t be playing around with the hacks and mods in the first place, right?

You can download the AIO Toolkit for the HTC Rezound → here and the myTouch 4G Slide version → here. Try it out, then let us know how it works for you, in the comments below.