Android Nougat features extendable Quick Tiles, where you can even add weather information and night mode tiles, but developer AL_IRAQI has gone a step forward and has released a custom MOD to modify tile columns as well.
With custom tile columns MOD you can modify the default 3 x 3 grid for quick tile columns to either 4 x 3, 5 x 3 or 6 x 3. And with that, the dev has also packaged his other MODs — Navbar Tuner and blue light filter as well into the custom tile columns MOD.
Check out the screen shots for all three custom grid options for quick tiles on Nougat.
Left: Center: Right:The custom tile MOD is currently only available for Nexus 6P running on Android Nougat 7.0 NRD90M build. Do not try to install the MOD on any other device than Nexus 6P.
Download Custom Tile MOD Nexus 6P NRD90M
Download custom quick tile grid MOD from the download link below and install/flash it to your Nexus 6P via TWRP recovery like you’d flash any other any custom MOD.
Happy Androiding!
via xda