[APK Teardown] YouTube app v13.01 hints at Incognito mode, swipe to skip Ads option, and a dark theme

youtube app v13 teardown

Google is now rolling out an update to the YouTube app, the ups the version from 12.49.55 to 13.01.52. You won’t notice too many changes when you open the app on v13 and compare it side by side to its older version, except for the Autoplay option — more on this later — but once you look into its code, there are three interesting things to take note of: a dark theme, incognito mode, and swipe to skip Ads. All of which would be pretty cool features if and when we get them. Right?

Speaking of the Autoplay option, it was lying under the General category in the settings of the app, but now on v13.01.52, you would find it right on the outside, as part of the main settings screen. As the options within it remain unchanged, we think this as a hint of more features being added here sooner or later. That’s the only official change we could spot on YouTube v13, so you hit us up with any changes that you might spot.

youtube autoplay option

New YouTube features expected from Teardown

Swipe to skip an Ad

<string name=”swipe_to_skip_ad”>Swipe to skip</string>

This is a really simple one: there are good chances that the next time you see an Ad on YouTube, on v13 or newer, that is, rather than seeing a button with the text ‘Skip Ad →’ to skip an Ad, you might something like ‘Swipe to skip.’ This swipe to skip narration is for the Ad only, as the string for the value ends with ‘Ad’ in ‘swipe_to_skip_ad’.

Incognito mode coming soon?

<string name=”turn_off_incognito”>Turn Off Incognito</string>

There isn’t much about the incognito mode in the code, except the one above. Like, there is no string for ‘Turn On Incognito’, but even the above code about turning it off is enough to hope for a private mode within the YouTube app, right?

A dark theme!

<string name=”pref_developer_dark_theme_for_app_summary”>Use dark theme throughout the app</string>
<string name=”pref_developer_dark_theme_for_app_title”>Dark theme</string>
<style name=”Base.Theme.YouTube.Dark.Home” parent=”@style/Theme.YouTube.Dark.NoActionBar” />
<style name=”Base.Theme.YouTube.GalleryActivity” parent=”@style/Theme.YouTube.Dark.NoActionBar”>
<style name=”RedCarpetSeasonPicker” parent=”@style/Base.Theme.YouTube.Dark“>
<style name=”Theme.YouTube.Dark.Home” parent=”@style/Base.Theme.YouTube.Dark.Home” />
<style name=”Theme.YouTube.Dark.Home” parent=”@style/Base.Theme.YouTube.Dark.Home” />
<style name=”Theme.YouTube.Dark.NoActionBar” parent=”@style/Theme.YouTube.Dark“>
<style name=”Theme.YouTube.Settings.Dark” parent=”@style/Theme.YouTube.Dark.NoActionBar”>

Look at the tons of code above about the Dark mode in the new version 13 of the YouTube app. It’s everywhere: there is a theme for the dark mode, so much that it seems the dark mode could be a default mode in the app in future. Maybe someone can hack and activate it?

Watch in VR

<string name=”vr_overflow_menu_item”>Watch in VR</string>
<string name=”vr_overflow_menu_item_cardboard”>View in Cardboard</string>

YouTube already gave you an option called ‘View in Cardboard’ in the overflow menu, but now you also have the ‘Watch in VR’ option. With the announcement of standalone VR tech, based on which devices like LG Mirage solo are now available, we had to have this option, right?

What do you think?

Posted by
Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: kapil@theandroidsoul.com