Xiaomi announced the Redmi 6 Pro in India a few days ago, but the device has been selling in China for weeks. This early availability in the Chinese market also meant that the software development team began early works on the China ROM of MIUI 10, which is why we already have the stable version rolling out in the Asian country.
Yes, if you shipped the Redmi 6 Pro from China with all of its Chinese glory with respect to MIUI ROM, well, this update is meant for you. It’s coming in with software version MIUI and all the good stuff you’ve probably heard about the new custom ROM.
Related: How to install MIUI 10
Usually, it only takes days between pushing related updates to the Chinese and global MIUI ROMs, but given that the global Redmi 6 Pro hasn’t been around long enough, the wait for MIUI 10 stable release on this model might be a little longer than expected. Hopefully, someone is wrong!
It’s worth noting that since this is a stable update, only those who have the stable MIUI version already installed stand a chance of getting the OTA notification on their Redmi 6 Pro units.
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