When WhatsApp introduced the functionality of sharing documents through it, a little over a year ago, everybody was elated. However, the happiness was limited as people soon realized that only few file types can be shared through WhatsApp. These included mainly document file types like CSV, DOC, PDF, PPT, PPTX, RTF, TXT, XLS, and similar ones.
Fast forward to this day, WhatsApp now lets you share any type of file through it. Yup. It’s true. The feature is a server side update, meaning, you don’t need to update the app (unless of course, you are on a very old version), it will be activated automatically.
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In fact, while you are reading this, go check WhatsApp and see if the feature is live on your device. To share files, simply use the paper clip (that contains options like document, gallery, and location) in WhatsApp and then navigate to the file that you want to share and finally send it. However, if you are not able to send it, don’t worry, the feature is rolling out and will reach your device soon. Keep checking.
With this new feature, it is possible to share any type of file via WhatsApp. Be it MP3, ZIP, RAR and even an APK file. In addition to that, you can share photos and videos in the original size, without being compressed.
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And in case you are wondering about the max file size allowed, it is 100MB for Android. However, this is not from an official source and could change in the coming days. For other platforms like iOS, it is 128MB, for desktop/web version, it is limited to 64MB.