What does “Discovery” mean under a Realmoji?

BeReal is a new social media platform that focuses on making memories and capturing moments. This is why you only get 2 minutes to take your daily BeReal. Additionally, it does not offer you filters or effects for your BeReals as the platform really does not want you to spend time curating and editing your photos.

BeReals are meant to be instantaneous and a way to share your immediate moments with your friends and family. People that view your BeReal on the platform can then react to it using Realmojis. If you’ve recently received a Realmoji reaction with Discovery under it then here’s all you need to know about it.

What is “Discovery” under a Realmoji?

BeReal allows you to post your BeReals privately or publically. Public BeReals are posted in the Discovery tab and are visible to anyone using the social media platform. Users on BeReal can view and react to BeReals in the Discovery tab. Thus Realmoji reactions received from the Discovery tab have the same written under them.

This can help you easily distinguish between reactions from your friends on BeReal and reactions from strangers. If you received a Realmoji with Discovery written under it then someone who is not your friend on BeReal, discovered and reacted to your BeReal using the Discovery tab.

Can you change privacy settings for a BeReal?

You can change privacy settings for your BeReal when you’re posting one to the platform. You can not however change your settings once a BeReal has been posted. If you would like to change the privacy settings for a BeReal posted publically by mistake, you will have to delete and retake it accordingly.

Can you restrict Realmoji reactions?

Unfortunately, there is currently no way to restrict reactions on your BeReals. Reactions are enabled by default for all BeReals on the platform. However, posting your BeReal only for your friends will allow Realmoji reactions only from your friends.

We hope this post helped you learn about Discovery under a Realmoji on BeReal. If you face any issues or have any more questions, feel free to reach out using the comments below.

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