A Google commercial is always worth watching, especially so, when it is about a Nexus device. With the recent hype, and subsequent announcement of Google’s new Nexus lineup, one would have thought that the new commercial would probably cover the Nexus 4 or the Nexus 10. But surprisingly, the entire ad is focused around the Google Asus Nexus 7 tablet! Considering that Google has just announced a new 32GB variant, as well as a 3G enabled version of the best-selling Nexus 7 tablet, this could sure help boost marketing and sales figures for the 7-inch wonder from Asus. Asus had recently announced that they were shipping close to a million Nexus 7 tablets each  month of late, and this ad could help augment that number further.
The ad itself, features a few friends sitting around a fish-tank, a reference to The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, and finally culminating in the creation of a life-size aquarium. All along the ad, various features of the Nexus 7 are shown off including videos, Google Voice Search and Talkback, video calling, and a bevy of other features. I think I have already said enough. Go ahead and check out the latest Nexus 7 ad for yourself, now that the playground is open.
[youtube video_id=”YRhXaPrNaGQ” width=”620″ height=”400″ /]