Total Number of Galaxy S II Sold now stands at 5 Million units, in Just 55 days.

Just in case you needed more evidence of how good Galaxy S 2 is, here’s a latest factoid about the Samsung’s rockstar android phone — it just crossed the 5 million units benchmark on the sales chart. While its predecessor, Galaxy S i9000, it still the best sold android phone till date, it took Galaxy S 125 days to reach the 5 million mark, which has been bettered by S II with 85 days, counted since launch. And that’s when it’s yet to be sold in U.S.; and a white Galaxy S II is yet to come out!

FYI, the number above shows the shipments made to retailer and agencies so this does not translate into devices sold to final users. But we know by the Galaxy S experience that that’s nothing — it would take no time for the not-yet-actually-sold units to reach the households, too.

So what do you think lies ahead? How much time it would take for Galaxy S II to reach Galaxy S 1’s illustrious record of selling 10 million pieces in just 6 months. Let your guesses be known to us in comments below.

Via UnwiredView

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: