Destiny 2: Beyond Light is Bungie’s latest expansion in the game series. In many ways, it’s a classic – in that Beyond Light brings a lot of new elements to the game without radically changing it.
You get to play on a new map that is Jupiter’s Moon: Europa where the soundtracks are new, the menu is revamped and other little overhauls which make for a nicely rounded gaming experience.
But as traditional Beyond Light seems to be, you’d feel the difference in how Destiny 2 now works if you’ve started playing it already. For one, let’s get started on the new guns that you can get.
Related: How to get Falling Guillotine in Destiny 2: Beyond Light
What is Thermal Erosion in Destiny 2
In Destiny 2’s Beyond Light expansion, the Thermal Erosion is a new machine gun for players to use during their ongoing quests and exploration. It’s included in Europa’s Weapon set and as of now, you can use it only while playing the expansion Beyond Light.

Thermal Erosion Stats
The stats of the gun lists it as 25 for ‘Impact’, 33 for ‘Range’, 38 for ‘Stability’, 39 for ‘Handling’, and 61 for ‘Reload Speed’. Described as a Legendary Power Machine Gun in Destiny 2, it’s got a Rapid-Fire frame that ensures that it’s got Deeper ammo reserves.

Thermal Erosion God Roll
With 65 rounds in the Mag, you’ll also be able to reload the gun faster while using it – when the magazine is empty. So if you’ve been looking for a proper replacement for your Hammerhead or Avalanche, the Thermal Erosion should be right up your alley.

As for your God Roll picks, you can start out with either the Arrowhead Brake or the Corkscrew Rifling. With them, you can substantially boost your recoil control or give an overall boost to your gun’s range, stability and handling.
We recommend you take the Extended Mag – pick to increase the amount of ammo you’ll hold in one clip. To counter the hit to your reload speed, you should combine all this with the Field Prep perk.
How to get the Thermal Erosion Gun in Beyond Light
The Thermal Machine gun can only be obtained in the game from the Eliksni Rebel – ‘Variks the Loyal’.
You’ll have to undertake one of the Fallen Empire Hunt missions from him, and you’ll see that the Thermal Erosion weapon will be listed as a ‘Reward’ for completing that mission.

You’ll need around 20 Herealways Pieces to begin the Mission though, so we suggest you spend time on Europa to complete Public events and patrols, etc. as that’s the only way of obtaining some.

After having accepted the mission, head over to your Quests menu. You’ll basically have to complete 4 separate steps in order to complete the mission.
The order in which you’ll receive these steps to do is random, but we’ve covered all 4 steps below for you to follow in any order as they appear.
Step #1 – Fallen
This step is pretty straightforward. What you’ll need to do is head over to the Eventide Ruins. You’ll need to “Defeat Fallen in Eventide Ruins in groups of 2 or more”.

So once you’ve reached here, find and kill the ‘Fallen’ enemies and you shall receive a notification for the next step you’ll need to complete.

Step #2 – Elenaks, Salvation Elite
Now this one is a bit tougher to complete than the first one. You’ll need to “Draw out and defeat Elenaks, Salvation Elite in Asterion Abyss”. Head over to Asterion Abyss to begin this step.

Once you’ve reached Asterion Abyss, you’ll find Vandals in the area who’ll appear as ‘Marked’ on your screen. Kill a few waves of these Vandals as it will promptly lure the Salvation Elites out for you to take on.

Zip over to the next area to find a couple of Brigs (mech-like enemies) advancing towards you and start blasting at them. They do a lot of damage but move slow so we suggest that you play a bit cautiously, maybe switch up your tactics a bit.

After you’re done with them, the Salvation Elite will finally show up for the fight.

Take care of him and the rest in order to complete this step and proceed to your next one.
Step #3 – Phylaks, the Warrior
In this step, you’ll need to complete “The Warrior” Empire Hunt.

This is Beyond Light’s version of Nightmare Hunt, so that’ll give you some idea about how you’ll need to complete this.

You shouldn’t find it too difficult to complete this step. Pro tip: Complete this step with one of your friends as this step can be a bit challenging if you attempt it Solo, all by yourself.
Step #4 – Visit Variks

For the final step that completes this Mission, you’ll just have to go and visit Variks who’s waiting for you in Charon’s Crossing. Track this mission and then go visit him.

Tap on the Empire Hunt mission’s Icon and click on ‘Accept’ to receive the Thermal Erosion Machine Gun as a reward! Go out and test the weapon for yourself as we expect you’ll take an immediate shine to it. We hope this helps you Find the Thermal Erosion Gun easily while playing Destiny 2: Beyond Light.
How is the gun holding out for you? Let us know in the comments below what you make of this Legendary Machine Gun along with what rolls you’ve got for now.
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Screengrab via: Bodacious Steve