The South Korean smartphone manufacturer LG, has been quite good with the software updates lately. LG was able to release Nougat update before most of other OEMs including Samsung last year, while they have managed to keep most of its devices updated with the latest monthly security patch as well.
On the same lines, T-Mobile LG G6 is now receiving a new update carrying the August 2017 security patch. And considering the fact that this is a carrier locked variant of the smartphone, which usually see updates later than sooner, this is quite impressive. Talking about this new update, the software version of the same is H87210p and it is based on Android 7.0 Nougat.
With that said, if you own an LG G6 with T-Mobile, then we highly suggest you check for the new software update by manually going to settings. Although this not too late for the August security patch, it is worth noting that a few other devices on T-Mobile, like the HTC 10, have received the update earlier than this. However, it is far better than Motorola, which is currently pushing out June security patch to Moto C Plus.
Speaking of LG, the company also just recently launched the new V30 smartphone, which you might want to check out. The V30 appears to be a significant upgrade than the G6 since it is powered by a comparatively better SoC, and has upgraded camera as well.
We expect LG to release the Oreo update for the G6 soon. If you ask us for an expected release date, well, we’d say you should hold out for the November release. Though, a beta of LG G6 Oreo update could be released by LG for select region — Korea, perhaps — in October itself.