T-Mobile Galaxy Note 4 Lollipop Update goes under testing

It has been well over 6 months now since Android 5.0 Lollipop update pushed out to Nexus devices, but it has only reached about 5.4% of Android devices yet. US carriers here share a good amount of blame for the slow roll out of latest Android updates to even the most capable of devices.

T-Mobile has just posted on its website that the Galaxy Note 4 Lollipop update is now under testing at the carrier. And that “During this stage, the device will go through T-Mobile certification process testing to make sure you get the best quality software possible.”

T-Mobile is pretty late to the Galaxy Note 4 Lollipop update roll out. AT&T and Sprint have already rolled out the Lollipop update for the device, while Verizon is yet to say anything about it.

via T-Mobile
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Shivam is our resident designer and web developer who also enjoys writing. He loves to meditate, drive on the freeways and hunt for snipers during his Call Of Duty playtime. Email: shivam@theandroidsoul.com