Yu Televentures which was founded only a couple of months ago as the result of a collaboration between Indian smartphone manufacturer Micromax and Cyanogen Inc is getting ready to release the second along its line of smartphones. The first “Yu Yureka” gained immense popularity, selling 10,000 units in just 3 seconds. With a total sale of 150,000 units until yesterday, the company will probably be looking to capitalize upon the good response it has received for the Yureka as it announces its second smartphone.
Titled “Project Ceaser” the device will be released next month. And this is no hearsay folks, because we heard it from none else than Rahul Sharma, co-founder Yureka who was quoted as saying “Yu is working on smartphone codenamed “Project Caesar” which will be launched in India in April.”
While no other data is available — except for the fact that the device will run Cyanogen’s latest OS 12 — we can expect it to be another entry level device much like its predecessor, a notion which is further reinforced by the fact that 2015 has seen a market shift with consumer preference moving from the mid level 10-15k space to the more affordable 5-10k niche.
Now that technologies change by the day and phones don’t get broken or lost anymore as much as outdated, it is only reasonable to assume that a section of consumers would prefer to buy relatively cheaper devices with the latest technologies, allowing them to switch them easily rather than buying and getting stuck with a too expensive one. This is not to say that the top-end devices don’t have their own advantages — far from it, but for a 2 month old company that is already sailing on the success of an entry level device, a top end device seems some time away.
Stay tuned as we bring you more on Yu’s latest.