Some Samsung Intercept Unable to Cope Up with the Froyo update, Sprint gets it.

Samsung Intercept Update Fix

When we heard Samsung is updating its Intercept android phone at Sprint to android 2.2, we really got fond of it. After all, it isn’t a regular stuff from Samsung, who has become a critic fav, for the Korean major’s apparent inability to bring a good Froyo work to Galaxy S.

However, Samsung did managed to bring the android 2.2 to some Galaxy S (even though the users may complain it’s not the best Froyo work that had expected).  But the update problems are still haunting Samsung very hard. It seems some Intercept devices weren’t able to cope up with android 2.2 Sammy and Sprint brought to them, and just turned unresponsive after the update. Sprint has acknowledged the fact and just issued a statement too. The carrier is investigating the issue and there is no reason thrown right now, behind the update malfunction. The dirty part could be in the Froyo update Samsung gave to Sprint or it can also be Sprint’s fault in distributing the update in a viable manner. It worth mentioning that the last was not only about Froyo, but it included other features too, from the carrier itself, which could be the source of problems too.

Not a good deal if you thought of the Froyo update as Christmas present. Really.

If you happen to be that unlucky Intercept user with a dead phone post update, there is still some luck remaining on your side as it seems there is a fix available, on a place we call Internet.

Via Engadget

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: