What Does WSG Mean On Snapchat? How To Use It?

Acronyms existed much before texting and Social Media platforms ever entered our lives. Yet the kind of status that they enjoy in this day and age could not have been possible without their relevance in daily texting or Social Media. Acronyms are evolving with every generation that enters Social Media and it’s becoming harder and harder to discern what some of these short forms actually stand for.

It’s undoubtedly troublesome for those who want to keep up with current lingo as a new acronym popping up regularly and yet one may have to or simply want to learn for the sake of learning. An acronym that has been making the rounds on Snapchat is WSG and even intuitive acronym guessers are stumped by this one. So what does WSG mean on Snapchat and how to use it? Here’s everything you need to know. 

What does WSG mean on Snapchat? 

According to Urban Dictionary, the top definition of WSG is What’s Good and is generally used in this context on Snapchat as well. It is usually a conversation starter or more like an inquiry between two individuals. It works as an effective replacement for What’s Up and How’s it going? with emphasis on suggestions for a specific activity. 

Other acronyms for WSG

If What’s Good does not fit the context of the conversation you are having, then one of then the other party might be referring to a different full-form. There are other acronyms that aren’t as general which include White Girl Status and With Special Guest which are available in the pop-culture context.  

How to use WSG on Snapchat? 

Of course, while WSG is best used in Snapchat’s chat feature, one can also upload Snapchat Stories asking What’s Good or showing something that conveys the What’s Good part of the content. Here are a few conversation starters with which you can use WSG. Keep in mind that it functions best as a question. 

  • WSG with you bro? 
  • WSG at the restaurant? 
  • WSG at the <name of event>
  • WSG at the <name of location>
  • WSG on the menu? 

That’s all there is to know about WSG and what it does. Do let us know in the comments if you have any questions. Take care and stay safe! 

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