Samsung teases curved design, could be Galaxy S6

Unpacked 2015 invite

Samsung is sending out invites for its upcoming Unpacked event happening on 1st March’ 2015, a day before MWC begins in Barcelona. Interestigly, the invite card teases a device with curved design and “What’s Next” printed beneath.

The curved form teased on the invite could mean a Galaxy S6 with curved form factor, but it could also mean a new range of Galaxy devices with curved form like the G Flex series by LG. The Korean brothers often copy design, ideas and way of work from one another, then why not the curved smartphone genre?

Anyway, a quick look at the teased curved design tells us that it’s the bottom that’s curved on the device, and apparently it reminds us of the design of first Android phone, the HTC Dream. It had the same curved bottom, but only it wasn’t for the display.

We heard it before that Samsung is working from scratch to design the Galaxy S6. The device is rumored to look completely different than current Galaxy S series devices, both on the physical design and software UI. Whatever is Samsung building, we now at-least know when it’s going to be announced.

We’re now very curiously waiting for the Unpacked 2015 event, please Sammy don’t disappoint us like the past 3 years.

via tinhte

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