We just got hold of a screenshot which, if you are a Galaxy S7 user awaiting Nougat update, would be pretty exciting stuff for you. The screenshot (below) shows the build no. G935FXXU1DPLR, pertaining to Galaxy S7 Edge of course, shows January patch installed along with Android 7.0 OS version.

Because this build appears to be running January security patch — which FYI, hasn’t been available for any Samsung device yet — and Android 7.0 OS, we full believe this to be stable Nougat update for Galaxy S7, or the Galaxy S7 Edge.

Samsung was expected to come with stable Nougat release in December, but it didn’t. From the looks of the screenshot above, it seems we would get the Galaxy S7 Android 7.0 update with January security patch pretty soon, in fact, anytime now.

Similar build for the Galaxy S7 would be G930FXXU1DPLR, but we’re yet to see either of the build go live, or an official confirmation from Samsung for that matter. But anyway, it’s a given that Samsung first release is ever closer to release, starting with Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge.