Despite strong rumors, the Samsung Galaxy Note 10 will not be powered by the latest Qualcomm Snapdragon chipset, a report has claimed.
After Qualcomm unveiled the Snapdragon 855 Plus on Monday, many believed that the chipset would power upcoming devices like the Google Pixel 4 and Samsung Galaxy Note 10.
However, as per a report by WinFuture (via 9to5Google), the latter will not have Snapdragon’s latest chipset under its hood and will have the same firepower as the Galaxy S10.
Galaxy Note 10’s international variant, on the other hand, will be equipped with the latest Exynos chip — 9825 Octacore SoC — in the market and is expected to produce marginally better performance than the Galaxy S10.
So far, only Asus has publically committed its future to the Snapdragon 855 Plus, announcing that the ROG Phone II — set to debut in late July — will be powered by Qualcomm’s latest offering.