How to Root Android Nougat 7.0

  Update (August 23rd, 2016): SuperSU v2.76 works with NRD90M Android Nougat 7.0 update on Nexus 5X and 6P. It’s confirmed. If you’re having trouble booting into TWRP on Nexus 6P and 5X, follow our detailed guides linked below for a fix:

Android Nougat, the official name for N developer preview builds will soon be getting a public release. But if you are keen on getting the latest and greatest Android update on your Nexus device right now, installing the preview builds is a great idea.

In case you’re wondering if there will be any issues with rooting Android Nougat. Know that the 4 developer preview builds released till date of Android Nougat were easily rooted with Chainfire’s systemless root.

So far systemless root with SuperSU zip has been working for Android Nougat developer preview releases. At first, Chainfire released separate CFAR packages with patched boot images for the 1st Android Nougat preview release, but soon after, the files necessary to patch boot images on Nougat were merged into SuperSU zip beta releases.

The current version of SuperSU stands at v2.76 and it works just fine to root Android Nougat preview releases.

While it’s possible that the final preview or public release of Android 7.0 Nougat could break how SuperSU achieves root, but we’ve good faith that it’ll need a minor workaround and rooting will be flawless again.

Download SuperSU v2.76

How to Root Android Nougat
  1. Download and transfer the SuperSU zip file from the download link above to your device’s storage.
  2. Boot your device into TWRP recovery.
  3. Tap on “Install” and select the SuperSU zip file that you transferred to your device in Step 1.
  4. After selecting the .zip file, do “Swipe to Confirm Flash” on the bottom of screen to begin the flashing process.
  5. Once SuperSU is flashed, you’ll get “Reboot System” option, select it.

That’s all. To verify root access on your Android Nougat running device, download/install any root checker app from the Play Store.

We’ll update this page when a newer version of SuperSU zip is available OR if there are any other alternative methods to root Android Nougat 7.0. Stay tuned.. Happy Androiding!

Posted by
Shivam Malani

Shivam is our resident designer and web developer who also enjoys writing. He loves to meditate, drive on the freeways and hunt for snipers during his Call Of Duty playtime. Email:


  1. works perfectly, thanks :3

  2. works perfectly, thanks :3

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