The latest flagship smartphone duo from Samsung, Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge will soon be receiving the Android 5.1.1 Lollipop update. In the meantime, the users of these devices have a chance to take a look at what to expect from the update via a video preview.
From the preview, it is clear that Samsung will be bringing a few tweaks including a new feature that was not before and a new manual exposure setting in the camera app. Unfortunately, the video does not indicate the RAW support brought in by the update.
The international Galaxy S6 users will receive an A-Z app sorter that is a feature available only for the US users. Also, the users can enable and disable the Parallax life effect when choosing wallpapers for the home screen.
As of now, there is no word on when the US variants of the Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge will receive the Android 5.1.1 update. You can take a look at the preview video showing the changes that might be brought in by the update.