OnePlus has already confirmed that it will be launching the OnePlus 5 in India on June 22 at an event in Mumbai. Like any other launch event, OnePlus will pull the wraps off its next flagship in the presence of media from all over the country. That’s, however, not the entire story. You can also be a part of the launch event!
How, you may ask? Well, the company is currently selling an Invite Box priced at Rs. 999 which alongside a OnePlus 5 launch T-shirt, a welcome pack worth Rs. 10, and a OnePlus 5 invite code also gets you the invite for the launch event scheduled for June 22.
If that weren’t enough, the company is also throwing a OnePlus 5 voucher worth Rs. 999 into the box. In a way, you can attend the event for free and get the invite code as well without shelling out a single penny if you’ve already made up your mind to get the OnePlus 5.
Read: OnePlus 5 could be priced €550 in Finland
Go, get the Invite Box, already! Find the link for the same below. The OnePlus 5 is expected to come with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 chipset clocked at 2.35GHz. It was only yesterday we got a confirmation that the handset will pack 8GB of RAM.
Also, the company seems to have put in a lot of effort to provide a good camera on the OnePlus 5. In fact, it has even partnered with DxOMark for the same. It is believed to feature a dual camera setup at the back. And a 3,300mAh battery is tipped to provide the juice for the device.