Amazon India has added a few new offers for the OnePlus 3T 64GB variant. If you were planning on purchasing this beast of a smartphone, now is a very good time.
You can avail a 10 percent cashback or get Rs. 2,500 back as Amazon Pay balance. The 10 percent cashback is applicable on Standard Chartered Credit and Debit cards, whereas the Amazon pay cashback will only work when purchasing the OnePlus 3T using Credit Card EMI.
The OnePlus 3T is the latest offering from OnePlus and is a very powerful device. It features a 5.5-inch 1080p display, a Quad-core Snapdragon 821 processor, 6GB of RAM, 64 or 128GB of storage, a 16MP rear camera, 8MP front camera, and a 3400mAh battery. It recently received the update to Android Nougat as well.
The smartphone is sold for a price tag of Rs. 29,999 on Amazon India. Using the offer will definitely help you save a minimum of Rs.2,000, which is a great deal.
Buy OnePlus 3T from Amazon India