Official CM14.1 nightlies for the Moto G 4G 2014 are now available, thanks to the folks over at CyanogenMod. The nightly builds aren’t fully stable but has major bugs/issues sorted out and hence are pretty safe to install/flash to your device.
Also, the current nightly builds (as of 9th Nov, 2016) of CM14.1 for Moto G 4G 2014 doesn’t have all of the CyanogenMod specific functions like CM Theme Manager working yet. You might have to wait a bit more if these functions are important for you.
Download the Moto G 4G 2014 CM14.1 nightly ROM from the link below and follow the instructions link to install it on your phone.
- Download Moto G 4G 2014 (thea) CM14.1 Nightly
- Download Moto G 2014 (titan) CM14.1 Nightly
- Download Moto G 4G (peregrine) CM14.1 Nightly
[icon name=”hand-o-right” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] How to Install CM14 using TWRP and CyanogenMod recovery
Happy Androiding!