Google employees sure love taking pictures with unannounced upcoming devices and posting them on Google+, teasing us in the process. We first saw pictures taken from the LG Nexus 4 and the Samsung Nexus 10, and now, hinting towards Google’s plans to bring multiple Nexus devices to the market this year, John Mueller of Google has posted a couple of pics taken by a “Nexus 3”.

With Samsung having made the last two Nexus devices, and also working on Google’s next tablet, the Nexus 3 is probably being made by them as well, though it could well be HTC’s, Motorola’s or Sony’s Nexus device. Provided that the Nexus 3 is an actual Nexus device in the making, it would mean that the Nexus 1 and Nexus 2 are also being made, and though that does seem too simple and unattractive a naming scheme, the Nexus 4, Nexus 7 and Nexus 10 indicate that Google is perhaps moving towards a numbered naming scheme for further Nexus devices.

It’s tempting to cry foul and say that the image data was tampered with, but a Google employee probably won’t go to such lengths to fool the public, so let us hope that some more info regarding the Nexus 3, as well as other such Nexus devices, comes out soon. If only today’s Google event hadn’t been cancelled because of Mother Nature’s wrath.

Update: John Mueller has commented on the original Google+ post that the EXIF data of the images was tampered with, so the Nexus 3 doesn’t exist (not yet anyway). So much for Google employees not trying to fool us.