‘Next Generation Of Droid’ set to Unleash on June 23

Droid Announcement

Your Droid is not like any other smart phone on the planet. It helped Android demonstrate its hidden potential and powers and is the best seller android device, ahead even of Nexus One. And now as the world gears for the July 19 launch of its successor, Motorola DroidX, the heads of top tech companies in the world meet each other to greet themselves and the public at large, and to unveil the latest baby of Motorola.

Next Week, June 23 is the date (as we indicated) marked for the event where top official from Motorola, Verizon, Google and Adobe (?) will meet to set the ball rolling. Those leaked commercials really meant for something coming up and you might soon discover them on your television screen, starting June 23.

The title of the event ‘UNLEASHING THE NEXT GENERATION OF DROID’ gives enough impression about how lively it’s gonna be there. While we’re not sure whether it’s DroidX or Droid2 or both, guess work points to unveiling of DroidX alone.

Officials lined up for the event include:

  • John Stratton, executive vice president and chief market officer for Verizon Wireless
  • Andy Rubin, vice president for engineering for Google
  • Sanjay Jha, co-chief executive officer for Motorola
  • Shantanu Narayan, chief executive officer

Being from India, I know two of the above four persons (3rd and 4th ones) are from India or of Indian Origin. No, just a fact, nothing meaningful out of this.

Yes, I have already marked the date and will surely bring you whatever happens there, in toto.

Via Engadget

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: kapil@theandroidsoul.com