The Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X was launched in February this year. It originally came with a starting internal storage option of 32GB, but now, there’s going to be a new 16GB variant.

As per a new report, Xiaomi is releasing a 16GB Redmi Note 4X, which will cost 200 Yuan lesser than the 32GB variant. This model will come with 3GB of RAM, just like the 32GB variant. Rest of the specifications remain similar to the other models.

The Redmi Note 4X features a 5.5-inch 1080p display, an octa-core Snapdragon 625 processor, 3/4GB of RAM, 16/32/64GB of internal storage, a 13MP rear camera, and a 5MP front shooter. There’s also a 4100 mAh battery, and a fingerprint sensor at the back.

The new 16GB variant of the Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X will go on sale on May 19 in China. This phone is definitely going to sell out in seconds.

Buy 16GB Note 4X (China)

Via: Weibo