Motorola India has not confirmed what it will be announcing today, but the firm is trying to make it clear via its Twitter account. It looks like the Indians will soon be getting the Moto Maker service in the country as it will be announced today.

The Moto Maker is an online tool that is meant for customizing and purchasing the devices such as Moto X and Moto 360. The tool became a sensation in the tech industry as it helps in real hardware customization.

moto maker launch

Moto Maker helps you choose between the storage options, colors, materials and engravings. You can pay more for the smartphone to make it look great with awesome materials such as leather or wood.

We can say that the Moto Maker might be launched in India today as the Motorola India Twitter account is quite active since the past few days and the firm is posting that something will be announced on June 15. The Moto Maker service for launched in China in the end of May and India could be the next country to receive the service.

Source: Twitter