In an interview to IBN live on the launch day of Moto E in India, Punit Soni, VP of Product at Motorola Mobility tipped the release date of Moto 360 in India to be “relatively soon”, which we could take as an indication that the Moto 360 will be launching in India anywhere within 2-3 months of its release in the USA and other first-batch markets of the Android Wear watch.
Also when asked about the price of Moto 360, Punit Soni said “The price will be in line with the Nexus strategy where you basically have good value devices with high functionality” with further indication that the price will be in line with Motorola’s already successful competitive pricing strategy for India.
India has had a bad history with launch of Google and Motorola products that are otherwise so tempting to buy. This specifically goes for the Galaxy Nexus (one of the finest Android phone ever built) which never made it to India despite of all the official promises from Samsung itself. Also, the launch of Moto X in India took 9 months from its release in the USA. And same was the case with Nexus 4.
However we’re seeing a change to this with the relatively quick launches of Nexus 5 and Moto G in India. And most importantly, the launch of  Moto E which was announced only yesterday and is already shipping to consumers in India via Flipkart.
So here’s to hoping for the best! May Moto 360 launches “relatively soon” in India.
via IBN Live