Ever since LG G6’s system dump came out, thanks to Xpirt at XDA, the android community has been buzzing with the thought of tinkering with its configurations, build files, kernel optimizations and porting applications from the device for not only its predecessor sets like G5 and G4, but also for AOSP running Android handsets. The possibilities of modifying the dump are theoretically endless.
If oyu are a developer, or anyone interested in tinkering things on the software side, you might be fascinated by the idea of porting the G6 apps to other devices, and as such may looking for the G6 apps apk. Well, find them right below.
In the download provided below, we taken APK files from the three directories of the LG G6 system dump, app, priv-app and framework. Check out the list of apps, that are included in the download, along with their respective OAT and ART files .
The list provided to you down below effectively includes all system applications of the LG G6. Although system apps tend to cause issues when running on other devices without a port, the 2:1 (18:9) screen ratio of the G6 may also spell trouble for other device users who wish to run system apps optimized specifically for the G6. If you’re unsure about the method used to sideload apps, head over here.
We’d like to point out that some specific apps which are tailored for the G6 like Dolby Vision may work on your device but will not have any set effect due to lack of hardware implementation. Nevertheless, feel free to download the apps provided here and test them out.
LG G6 Apps APK
Here’s the download link which contains three folders from the system dump: app, priv-app and framework.
→ Download G6 Apps APK (contains folder app, priv-app and framework)
You will get the following APK files (with OAT and ART files).
- AndroidPay.apk
- atfwd.apk
- BackupRestoreConfirmation.apk
- BlockedNumberProvider.apk
- BluetoothMidiService.apk
- BookmarkProvider.apk
- CalculatorGoogle.apk
- CaptivePortalLogin.apk
- CarrierConfig.apk
- CertInstaller.apk
- Chrome.apk
- CloudHub.apk
- CloudPrint.apk
- CNEService.apk
- CollageWallpapers.apk
- com.lge.app.floating.res.apk
- com.lge.shutdownmonitor.apk
- com.lge.sui.widget.apk
- com.qualcomm.location.apk
- ConfigUpdater.apk
- CtsShimPrebuilt.apk
- CtsShimPrivPrebuilt.apk
- DefaultContainerService.apk
- DocumentsUI.apk
- DolbyVisionService.apk
- DownloadProviderUi.apk
- dpmserviceapp.apk
- Drive.apk
- DriveActivator.apk
- DrmService.apk
- Duo.apk
- EasterEgg.apk
- EdenService.apk
- EditorsDocs.apk
- EditorsSheets.apk
- EditorsSlides.apk
- elt_test.apk
- Evernote.apk
- ExternalStorageProvider.apk
- Facebook_AppManager.apk
- Facebook_Instagram_stub.apk
- Facebook_Installer.apk
- Facebook_stub.apk
- FaceLock.apk
- FalseAlarm.apk
- FidoASM.apk
- FidoAuthenticator.apk
- FidoClient.apk
- FontServer.apk
- framework-res.apk
- FusedLocation.apk
- GameTuner.apk
- GCUV.apk
- Gmail2.apk
- GmsCore.apk
- GnssAirTest.apk
- GnssLogCat.apk
- GnssPosTest.apk
- GnssTest.apk
- GoogleBackupTransport.apk
- GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter.apk
- GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk
- GoogleExtServices.apk
- GoogleExtShared.apk
- GoogleFeedback.apk
- GoogleLoginService.apk
- GoogleOneTimeInitializer.apk
- GooglePackageInstaller.apk
- GooglePartnerSetup.apk
- GooglePrintRecommendationService.apk
- GoogleServicesFramework.apk
- GoogleTTS.apk
- HiddenMenu.apk
- HomeSelector.apk
- HotwordEnrollment.apk
- HTMLViewer.apk
- IceContacts.apk
- Ims4.apk
- InCalAgent.apk
- InputDevices.apk
- ip-provider.apk
- IPsecService_LG.apk
- IPService.apk
- KeyChain.apk
- Leccp.apk
- LG360VideoWallpaper.apk
- LG360Wallpaper.apk
- LGAccount.apk
- LGAirDrive.apk
- LGAirDriveSetting.apk
- LGAlarmClock.apk
- LGApplicationManager.apk
- LGATCMDService.apk
- LGBackup.apk
- LGBackupLauncher.apk
- LGBluetooth4.apk
- LGBluetoothSetting.apk
- LGCalendar.apk
- LGCalendarProvider.apk
- LGCameraApp.apk
- LGCMAS.apk
- LGContacts.apk
- LGContactsProvider.apk
- LGDMSClient.apk
- LGDMSClient4VZWOD.apk
- LGDownloadProvider.apk
- LGDrm.apk
- LGEasyHome.apk
- LGEIME.apk
- lge-res.apk
- LGFileManager.apk
- LGFmRadio.apk
- LGFOTA.apk
- LGGallery.apk
- LGGestureAnswering.apk
- LGHiFiRecorder.apk
- LGHMS.apk
- LGHome.apk
- LGHome_Theme_Optimus.apk
- LGHome4.apk
- LGInCallUI.apk
- LGInputDevices.apk
- LGInstallService.apk
- LGKeyguardEffect.apk
- LGLDB.apk
- LGLiveWallpapersPicker.apk
- LGLockScreenSettings_2.apk
- LGLockScreenSettings_Provider.apk
- LGMapUI.apk
- LGMediaProvider.apk
- LGMusic.apk
- LGMusicShare.apk
- LGMusicWidget.apk
- LGMyPhoneCare.apk
- LGMyWellness.apk
- LGNetworkSettings.apk
- LGNextCapture.apk
- LgNfc.apk
- LGP2pService.apk
- LGPartnerBookmarksProvider.apk
- LGPCSuiteService.apk
- LGPrivacylock.apk
- LGQHelp.apk
- LGQHelpService.apk
- LGQMemoplus.apk
- LGSettings.apk
- LGSettingsAccessibility.apk
- LGSettingsProvider.apk
- LGSetupView.apk
- LGSignBoard.apk
- LGSignBoardProvider.apk
- LGSignBoardSettings.apk
- LGSmartSharePush.apk
- LGSmartWorld.apk
- LGSnapPage.apk
- LGSpringCleaning.apk
- LGStartupwizard.apk
- LGStk.apk
- LGSystemServer.apk
- LGSystemUI.apk
- LGSystemUI_Provider.apk
- LGTasksProvider.apk
- LGTelecom.apk
- LGTeleService.apk
- LGThemeService.apk
- LGThemeSquare.apk
- LGTouchControlAreas.apk
- LGUpdateCenter.apk
- LGUSMms.apk
- LGUSTelephonyProvider.apk
- LGVideo.apk
- LGVideoStudio.apk
- LGVRPlayer.apk
- LGWeather.apk
- LGWeatherService.apk
- LGWeatherTheme.apk
- LGWfdsServices.apk
- LGWifiSettings.apk
- LIASmartCareEngine.apk
- LicenseProvider.apk
- ManagedProvisioning.apk
- Maps.apk
- MirrorLinkServer.apk
- MmsService.apk
- MtpDocumentsProvider.apk
- Music2.apk
- MyPlacesEngine.apk
- MyPlacesSettings.apk
- NfcSettings.apk
- PacProcessor.apk
- Phonesky.apk
- Photos.apk
- PrintSpooler.apk
- PromoHelper.apk
- ProxyHandler(1).apk
- ProxyHandler.apk
- qcrilmsgtunnel(1).apk
- qcrilmsgtunnel.apk
- QtiTetherService(1).apk
- QtiTetherService.apk
- servicemenu.apk
- SetupWizard.apk
- SharedStorageBackup(1).apk
- SharedStorageBackup.apk
- Shell.apk
- SmartDoctorWebView.apk
- SmartSetting.apk
- SmartShare.apk
- SmartShareProvider.apk
- StatementService.apk
- Tag.apk
- talkback.apk
- telresources.apk
- ThemePackage_Black.apk
- ThemePackage_HighContrast.apk
- ThemePackage_Titan.apk
- ThemePackage_White.apk
- TimeService.apk
- UnifiedEULA.apk
- USCHiddenMenu.apk
- UserDictionaryProvider.apk
- Velvet.apk
- Videos.apk
- VpnClient_LG.apk
- VpnDialogs.apk
- WallpaperBackup.apk
- WallpaperCropper.apk
- WapService.apk
- WebViewGoogle.apk
- WfdService.apk
- WfdSpMirroringSourceService.apk
- WifiCall.apk
- xtra_t_app.apk
- YouTube.apk
System Dump Source: Xpirt’s thread