HTC Sense 6 UI debuted on HTC’s latest flagship device, the One M8, which is a revamped version of the earlier Sense UI. The HTC One M7 has been blessed with the latest Sense 6 update in the previous month, however the update was confined to the Single SIM variant of M7 only and the Dual SIM variant owners are in despair since then. But now it’s time for the HTC One Dual SIM owners to rejoice as HTC is rolling out the Sense 6 OTA update in the European Market.
Thanks to @LlabTooFeR who first surfaced this news on the Twitter shedding some light on this update. The Sense 6 update will bring the device build number to 5.17.401.6 and the OTA update weighs 524.55 MB. As of now, this update will be available in the European markets and it will be progressed to other parts of the world eventually. The HTC One Dual SIM Users can navigate through their Settings »  About Phone »  Software Update option to receive the latest update.
The HTC Sense 6 UI comes with a number of new improved features. A few of them are listed below:
- Different colored themes for HTC apps
- Improved Blink Feed interface
- Extreme Power Saving mode
- Continuous scrolling in apps
- Enhanced sidebars
- Customizable fonts
- New and simple camera interface
- Redesigned gallery
- App tray with minimalist design
- Support for POI location in map view
- Video pausing during capture
- Sense TV new layout
Turn on your WiFi and look out for the latest Sense UI 6 update on your HTC One Dual SIM variant to enjoy the cool features of Sense 6. If you’ve not yet received the OTA update yet, either wait for the update from HTC or we will update you with the manual update instructions once we got hold of the OTA update.