How to Manage the New Memories Feed On Google Photos

What to know

  • Google is experimenting with a new Memories toggle on the Google Photos app that will lead to a dedicated page for all your memories.
  • The Memories feed contains collages of pictures that make up a Memory with an option to only edit their titles currently.
  • Some users may find additional options on their Memories feed, which can be attributed to the experimental phase that the feature is currently in.
  • There’s no news on when the new Memories feed will be rolled out to everyone. 

Thanks to its wide array of smart editing features, Google Photos is considered one of the best photos app in the business. Lately, Google is looking to add a new toggle for the Memories features in your feed to make sure your fond memories get their own space on Photos’ homepage. 

What does this new Memories toggle in the feed do, and how can you manage the Memories feed on Google Photos? All this coming up!  

What is the new Memories feed on Google Photos?

Google is always experimenting with new ways to package already-existing features, and not without its own reasons. Such is the case with the Memories feature which groups together photos from a particular time and place that show up as story cards for easy remembrance from time to time. The addition of a new Memories feed on Google Photos looks to give new space where all these memories could be clubbed together in a timeline. It will also provide a new way to access and manage memories. 

How to manage the new Memories feed on Google Photos

The new Memories feed will be available from the ‘Photos’ tab itself where you will see a new toggle to shift between ‘All photos’ and ‘Memories’. 

Within the ‘Memories’ feed, you will find all your memory collections on a single timeline. Each memory is represented by a collage of pictures that make it up. 

There is a single ‘Edit’ button at the top right corner…

This will allow you to change the titles of all the memories at once.

Once you’ve made the change, tap on ‘Done’ to finish.

Additional Memories feed options show it’s still in an experimentation phase

As we tried the new Memories feed, we spotted additional options that came and went every time we opened the Photos app. A case in point is the following screenshot which shows a three-dot menu at the bottom right corner of every memory…

Tapping on this revealed two options – ‘Edit title’ and ‘Remove’.

Though this was only accessible once, and was quickly replaced by the relatively permanent features shown previously, we personally think this would be a better implementation as it would let users change the titles independently, or delete the memories if they so choose.

In either case, the Memories feed is still in an experimental phase and the two different types of feeds that we managed to see are only indicative of that. 

Currently, there is no news on when or if this new Memory feed will be rolled out to general users. So keep an eye out for future updates on the same.


Let’s take a look at a few commonly asked questions that early users are bound to have regarding the new Memories feed on Google Photos.

When will the new Memories feed on Google Photos be available?

There is no real news on when this new Memories feed on Google Photos will be made available. 

Why does my Memories feed have different options on Google Photos?

The Memories feed is still in an experimental phase so it’s likely that Google is trying out different options on Google Photos to see what works best. Rest assured, when Google lands on the right mix of options, you will have the same options on your Memories feed as everyone else.

The new Memories feed on the Google Photos app looks to add a separate space for all your memories in one location. That it is still in an experimental phase is quite clear, and one can’t be sure what the final look of the feed will be. Whatever it may be, you can rest assured that we’ll be on it. Until next time!