How to Disable Flipboard “Briefing” app on Galaxy S6 and S6 edge TouchWiz Launcher

Annoyed of the Flipboard Briefing screen on your Galaxy S6 and S6 edge TouchWiz launcher? Well, it cannot be detached from the launcher but we found a quick solution to disable it.

Disabling it will cease its functioning. It’ll still be there on the left-most page on your homescreen but it’ll function-less and so won’t cause any lag either.

Disable Flipboard Briefing app from TouchWiz Launcher

  1. Open Settings page on your Galaxy S6.
  2. Go to Applications » Application manager.
  3. Swipe right twice to get to the “ALL” apps tab and look for “Briefing” app from the list of apps.
  4. Open “Briefing” app info page and tap the “DISABLE” button. It may show a warning, select OK. It may also ask to uninstall updates, select uninstall.

Done. Flipboard’s Briefing app is now disabled on your Galaxy S6 and S6 edge TouchWiz launcher.

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Shivam Malani

Shivam is our resident designer and web developer who also enjoys writing. He loves to meditate, drive on the freeways and hunt for snipers during his Call Of Duty playtime. Email: