A new version of the Android OS inevitably causes a lot of excitement among enthusiasts, with everyone wanting to flash the first leaked build that comes out. However, the problem typically arises when you start finding that quite few of your favorite apps have not been updated by their developers yet for use on the latest OS version.
HD Widgets, one of the most popular widget customization apps on Android, is going to be having no such compatibility issues though. cloud.tv, the developers of HD Widgets have released an update earlier today, which brings the app up to speed with the latest iteration of Android OS – Jelly Bean 4.2.
Granted there are not too many devices currently, barring the Nexus 4, Nexus 10, Nexus 7 and the Galaxy Nexus which officially run Android 4.2, but these 4 by themselves, will contribute to a sizable number of users. And not to mention the fact that with Android 4.2 AOSP source out, we are likely to start seeing Custom ROMs coming out for other devices too.
If you haven’t used HD Widgets yet, you are really missing out on one of the most elegant and polished widget customization apps available for Android. Check out the features below:
Widget Features
– over 85 amazing, beautiful widgets
– organized by sizes
– clock, date, location, weather, forecast, & utility switches
– LED, flip clock, & Honeycomb clock designs
– vivid colorful backgrounds
– large made-for-tablet widgets
– hot spots for alarm clock, calendar, & weather
– phone widgets: 1×1, 2×1, 2×2, 4×1, 4×2, 4×3, 4×4 (& 5x sizes for the Galaxy Note)
– tablet widgets: all phone sizes plus 8×1, 8×2, 4×7, 6×1, 6×2, & 3×5
App Features
– User Guide to help you get started
– fullscreen weather activity
– multiple locations and weather services
– fun & unique WYSIWYG design
– quick and easy editing
– widget & theme previews
– AccuWeather, WeatherBug & Weather Underground
– 12 / 24 hr clock
– F / C temperature
HD Widgets can be downloaded from the Play Store for $1.99. Hit the download button below to get it.