Google Play Books has received an update taking it to the version number 3.4.5. The changes that are brought in by the update are not major, but they are worthy additions to the application.

Firstly, there is a new translation interface with cards like the already existing notes and dictionary interfaces instead of the toolbar and sheet overlay. Next on the list includes changes to the notes. The version 3.3 of the Play Books had the ability to take notes in a book, but the version 3.4 of the app did not include the ability.

There was evidence in the APK that the feature of syncing notes to the Google Drive will be brought in to this app, but this feature is not live yet. There is no clue on how the notes will be formatted, but it is handy for studying.

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The last change in the latest version of Play Books comes with a change in the font. So far Droid Serif was used with the label Serif. Now, it has been replaced by a new font family Literata. At the same scale, the new font Literata features a lower x-height and marginally higher ascenders than the previous Droid Serif. Moreover, Literata has a rounder and more natural counter that is appealing for reading.

Google will rollout the update to you any time, but if you want to get a feel of it, you can download the APK and try it.