Google releases Android Q beta 6 update, Essential joins in already

Android Q beta 6

Truth be told, we have been expecting the beta 6 update to roll out any time for the last few days, but this has finally happened. Google has finally released the last beta version of Android Q, while also giving a hint on the release of the stable update — it’s only a few weeks away now!

Google has a lot to say about the beta 6 update. First up, the company wants the developers to test their apps on Android Q beta 6 already because the last beta version packs in all the behavior APIs, system behaviors and features that you will find in the final, stable version of Android Q.

Yes, Google has indeed updated the API level to 29 in beta 6 and is encouraging the devs to try their apps on Android Q on a Pixel device or emulator. Google is also calling beta 6 update as a near-final release, which in itself says a lot of what the beta 6 version means to Google.

Beta 6 changelog

As for the changelog, let’s list out a couple of changes that Google thought of mentioning in particular:

  • Refinements to Gesture navigation
  • 200dp vertical limit to exclude apps, in order to fix bugs related to back gesture
  • Back button now has a sensitivity setting

Android Q beta 6 download

The easiest way to get Android Q beta 6 update is to enroll your Pixel device with Google for beta updates. For that, simply go to this URL and enroll your device.

If you want to do things manually, then you can either install the beta 6 OTA update manually or go for the full system image installation. Here’s what you need to do under each option.

OTA updates

  1. Download a beta 6 OTA file from here.
  2. Follow the guide to install/sideload a factory image here.

Factory images

  1. Download a beta 6 system image from here.
  2. Follow the guide to install a factory image here.

Let us know what are your thoughts on Android Q beta 6 update.

Essential Android Q beta 6 update

Essential has moved quickly to announce that their one and only phone, the Essential Phone 1, is also getting an upgrade to beta 6 today. The beta 6 will be released to the beta subscribers as an OTA later today.

Given Google is treating the beta 6 update as a near-final release, even stating that the latest beta update good daily driver too, espeically for early testers, you might want to join the beta program on your Essential phone now.

For that, simply install the ‘Essential Q Beta’ app from the Play Store (link), and use the app to get the Android Q beta update right away. Just open the app after installing and follow the on-screen instructions to get the beta 6 update.

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: