The South Korean smartphone manufacturer Samsung, launched the Galaxy Note 8 phablet a few days back in New York city. Soon after the launch, the smartphone quickly became the talk of the hour for its pricing. As you may or may not know, the smartphone is priced at $930 in the U.S. for an unlocked variant, which makes it one of the most expensive smartphones that the company has ever launched.
Now, talking about the smartphone’s price in other markets, we now have some new reports which say the phablet could cost as high as 1 million Won in Korea. Yes, you read that right. While this sounds like a lot for a smartphone, it, however, makes a lot of sense. For instance, last year’s Galaxy Note 7 was priced at $850 in the U.S and about 988,900 won in South Korea.
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This expected high pricing of the smartphone was also confirmed by Koh Dong-jin, president of Samsung Electronics’ mobile business. At a press meeting, he openly admitted that it would be quite difficult to keep the pricing of Note 8 lower than 1 million won in Korea. In the same meeting, when asked about the rival smartphone LG V30, he also said that they do not consider rival products.
Having said that, we can pretty much confirm that the device will indeed cost a lot in Korea and if you are planning on buying one, then we suggest you get ready to spend some serious cash.
Source:Â The Investor