Facebook to try its luck at modular phones after Google


Well, it looks like Facebook has something big planned for the future. The social-media giant is apparently working on a “modular electrochemical device” which could be used as a phone among many other things.

This was revealed by a patent filed by the company on Thursday. Modular smartphones, as good as they may sound, are pretty difficult to implement. Even Google couldn’t get it right due to which it had to scrap the Project Ara.

Apparently, most of the engineers who were behind the Project Ara at Google have now flown to Facebook’s Building 8 group to develop what seems to be one of the most ambitious projects of the company yet.

Read: Facebook Messenger: Tips & Tricks you should know

Building 8, for the unaware, is the company’s consumer hardware lab that’s currently working on modular device among various other futuristic projects.

At this point in time, it’s still unclear what Facebook is trying to establish with the modular device. The patent, however, indicates that it can be used as an Alexa-speaker or even a phone.

The patent, further suggests that “millions of devices connected to a server could be loaded with different software based on components that are swapped out.”

Via: GSMArena

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Travel and adventure junkie. Which is why he's now one of those cliche guys with a camera around his neck at all times. When doing neither, you'll find him uber lazy and glued to Netflix. Email: prajith@theandroidsoul.com