Embiggen is an Android app that enlarges text that you type inside it and displays it in large-sized font on your phone’s screen. Type something, press ‘Go’ and see it get enlarged and fill up your whole screen. Making your words count is what the app is all about.
Embiggen can be quite useful when you can’t speak out to someone, so you can instead type on your phone, let Embiggen enlarge it, then convey your message using the phone’s screen. Using Embiggen is simple. You simply enter the text that you want to ’embiggen’, then press the go button, which instantly brings up the text on the whole screen in a large-sized font. You can add more than one line or sentence. Embiggen displays one line, then displays the next line when you tap on the screen. The ’embiggened’ text can be shared with others as images using any sharing app installed on your phone.
Want to signal the DJ to play your favorite song at a party? Or maybe you want to tell a girl at the other table in the library that she’s cute? Embiggen will let you do all that without needing to speak a word. Get it for free from the Android Market by clicking on the download button below. Leave your thoughts on the app in the comments.