Download Android L Wallpaper (New Added)

UPDATE: Find the latest wallpaper from the Android L here (link). The above link to Android wallpaper contains the wallpaper you see above in original portrait  form and isn’t a made-up render. So, grab the original Android L wallpaper now! Apart from the default wallpaper we’ve seen at Google I/O, two other wallpapers are also there in the .zip, but they are just old ones, so probably won’t be interesting but still, just thought should get you whatever wallpapers we found.

That’s it for the update.

Google revealed Android L, the greatest update to Android OS till date at Google I/O 2014 yesterday. A lot of changes were introduced with the “L” release, most importantly being the new Material Design UI. Anyway, with every new Android update, new wallpapers are introduced. Here’s one of the wallpapers from Android L that you can use now.

So far only this one wallpaper that surfaced the internet, we’ll update this page with more wallpapers as soon as the SDK for Android L released. Oh and there’s also an app on the Play store by the name “Android L (5.0) wallpaper” which has this same wallpaper, so if you wish you can download the app too → link to Play store.

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Shivam is our resident designer and web developer who also enjoys writing. He loves to meditate, drive on the freeways and hunt for snipers during his Call Of Duty playtime. Email: