Disable Whatsapp Calls Application allows you to forbid the irritating Whatsapp Calls

Need a solution to disable the irritating incoming Whatsapp Calls? Here’s an app “Whatsapp Call Disable” that let’s you block out incoming WhatsApp calls if they bother you a lot — with just a simple click in Settings.

Targeted for people who prefer the normal call over the Whatsapp Calls, this app works like a charm. Just one click and you can either enable or disable the function. This app comprises of a single setting screen, where the user can decide what will happen when the user gets a Whatsapp call.

There are chances that the people we are trying to get in touch with may not be having proper good-for-call access to internet and in this scenario this app can be a boon to the users. The app works for all the devices which are running Android 4.4 and higher versions. The developer has made 2 languages available as of now i.e. English and Hebrew.

Known Issue: Whenever there will be two 2 phones with Disable Whatsapp Calls already installed and working, and the caller has enabled ‘outgoing call’ while the recipient enabled ‘incoming call’, there will be some problems in the call (because both phones will stat a normal call together.)

You can download the Whatsapp Call Disable (beta) application from the Play Store.


  1. Very usefull app!
    works perfect in English, Spanish, Italian, Deutsch, Portuguese and Hebrew.

  2. Very usefull app!
    works perfect in English, Spanish, Italian, Deutsch, Portuguese and Hebrew.

  3. Very usefull app!
    works perfect in English, Spanish, Italian, Deutsch, Portuguese and Hebrew.

  4. There is a Huge Update! please update the post!

    a lot of languages added and support to 4.0!!

    Didi Proudcts

    1. unfortunately it’s gone from the playstore!! seems like the big guy whatsapp got it removed .. can someone plz provide an apk? thanks in advance!

  5. There is a Huge Update! please update the post!

    a lot of languages added and support to 4.0!!

    Didi Proudcts

    1. unfortunately it’s gone from the playstore!! seems like the big guy whatsapp got it removed .. can someone plz provide an apk? thanks in advance!

  6. There is a Huge Update! please update the post!

    a lot of languages added and support to 4.0!!

    Didi Proudcts

    1. unfortunately it’s gone from the playstore!! seems like the big guy whatsapp got it removed .. can someone plz provide an apk? thanks in advance!

  7. App not available in playstore. can anyone help

  8. App not available in playstore. can anyone help

  9. Is no longer available. I need this apk really bad. I don’t understand the logic behind it being removed.. Why would anyone even care enough to take it down

  10. Is no longer available. I need this apk really bad. I don’t understand the logic behind it being removed.. Why would anyone even care enough to take it down

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