Love for material design from the Lollipop is obvious like our love for Android OS, but we really haven’t seen a lot of intuitive screens and menus inspired by the concept in custom ROMs till date, except for obvious AOSP ones, which I think can at least definitely use/integrate the power menu we’ve got here, based on material design concept, with simple cool animations and mono-color-filled background.

Inspired from the work of lovely graphic editor Igor Da Silva, developer naman14 from new Delhi, India, was able to create this power menu you see above using the circular reveal APIs and XML animations, and has even made the code available at github as open source, for use by anyone who wishes to.

If you happen to be a developer, we suggest you take a look at it, and give a though about incorporating screens with similar aesthetics and animations to your app. And yes, such power menu in our choice of custom ROMs will be a big plus, no?
