Check out these Galaxy S8 videos!

Galaxy S8

Samsung has made the Galaxy S8 official. If you were kinda feeling sinfully tired of S8 leaks, well, you should feel liberated now. Anyway, to better grasp everything Samsung has built into and for Galaxy S8, they have shared a bunch of videos with us to get a quick glance of the stuff.

We really find them interesting, yeah! There is a video for almost every cool feature Galaxy S8 brings to the market.

It goes without saying that the Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8+’s design is as innovative as it can get. The almost bezel-less, dual edge display while looking minimalistic, doesn’t let you take your eye off it. Nope, not even for a minute.

Then there’s Bixby, Samsung’s answer to Apple’s Siri and Google Assistant which is also expected to take over the company’s IoT appliances under its control by 2020.

Then the Infinity Display, the design, the UI, and the camera, of course, how can we forget the camera? There’s a video for each of these aspects and more.

Okay, we know you are pretty excited now. So, without any further ado, let’s start checking out the videos one by one, shall we?

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Travel and adventure junkie. Which is why he's now one of those cliche guys with a camera around his neck at all times. When doing neither, you'll find him uber lazy and glued to Netflix. Email:


  1. Taking all that has to be taken into consideration, for me that display is what blows everything out of the water. Such quality and magnificence. I would revere this phone when I get to see it in real life.

  2. Taking all that has to be taken into consideration, for me that display is what blows everything out of the water. Such quality and magnificence. I would revere this phone when I get to see it in real life.

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