AT&T Galaxy Note 4 receiving an OTA update with build number N910AUCU1COC4

AT&T is pushing out an OTA update to the Galaxy Note 4 with build number LRX22C.N910AUCU1COC4. The update comes with a number of changes and fixes/patches, check the changelog below:

  • Update Private Mode settings
  • EAS fix for encryption bypass
  • Removal of Softcard
  • Emergency Dial fix related to Lookout & Mobile Locate
  • Google Security Patches

All of these changes are coming as an 142 MB OTA package downloadable over WiFi only. You should receive the update notification on your AT&T Note 4 anytime now, if not, you can force check for the OTA update by going to your phone’s “Settings » About device » Software update » Check for updates”.

via AT&T
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Shivam is our resident designer and web developer who also enjoys writing. He loves to meditate, drive on the freeways and hunt for snipers during his Call Of Duty playtime. Email: