Android 4.2, the latest flavor of Jelly Bean is all set to launch with the Nexus 4 and Nexus 10 in just 3 more days, and is likely to be out for the Nexus 7 as well at the same time. Other devices like the Galaxy Nexus and the newer crop of phones like the Samsung Galaxy S3, the Galaxy Note 2, the HTC One X+ will also get it soon enough, considering they are already on Android 4.1 Jelly Bean.
However, if you happen to own an older device -and by older I mean released in 2011 or prior to that, and wanted to try out some of those cool new features in Android 4.2, you could either have a long wait ahead of you, if your hardware can support it, or there is also the chance that you might not get it at all.
Not all is dark and gloomy though, as you can actually have one of the most useful features from the latest version of Jelly Bean on your device right now, even if its running older versions of Android like Froyo, Gingerbread or Ice Cream Sandwich. We are talking about the Quick Settings panel in Android 4.2 which allows users instant access to the most frequently changed settings—brightness, connecting to Wi-Fi, checking data usage, displaying battery life, toggling Airplane mode or Bluetooth etc.
Developer Apocalipsisx, has just released a new app called Control Panel For Android, which gives you instant access to all of the above, and a lot more. In fact on your older devices, as you can see from the screenshots above, you will have access to a lot more settings, directly from the Android Control Panel, than is actually available on newer 4.2 devices. How about that? User reviews on the Play Store have been encouraging so far, and I can say from my personal experience after installing it, that the app is quite impressive and will certainly make the must-have apps list before we know it.
Control Panel for Android will work with all Android devices running Android 2.2 or higher, and can be downloaded for free from the Play Store. If you tend to be someone who fiddles with your phone settings a lot more than the average person, and I mean it as a positive thing, then this app will certainly make your fiddling a lot easier. Hit the download button below to get it.