If you got yourself a HTC Rhyme, Raider, Droid Incredible 2 or the Thunderbolt, you can now be sure that it was a good decision. HTC just updated its list of devices which are slated to receive the official bump-up to Ice Cream Sandwich or Android 4.0 later this year. And if you own any one of the phones I just mentioned above, you should be happy to hear that the official Ice Cream Sandwich is on its way to your phone.

We already know that the HTC Rezound and the Sensation family would be getting ICS, likely towards the end of March. So it is fair to estimate, that these new additions should also get their taste of ICS somewhere in mid Q2 2012. Of course, that is just an estimated time-frame, as there are no details available at the moment around when. Have a look at what HTC had to say:

So it appears that HTC is getting into top gear with regards to the Ice Cream Sandwich rollout, and may well make another announcement in the weeks to come, perhaps adding more devices to the official rollout list. Is your device on this list, or are you planning to get one which is on or will be on the list? Share your thoughts with us in comments below.