Android 4.0 ICS Update for LG Optimus 2X, Optimus 3D and G2X Promised Officially on Facebook Page

So, LG’s software department has broken their long-maintained silence over whether LG Optimus 2X — world’s first dual-core device — will receive Android 4.0 update or not, with the rumors pointing recently that there is no update in the works, and will never be. Just a few hours ago, LG issued an Official Statement on their Facebook page stating that those rumors are NOT true and that the company does have plans to update Optimus 2X and other high-end devices — we guess they are talking about Optimus 3D, Thrill 4G, G2X, etc.

Also, LG will let its Android 4.0 update plans — timings, devices, etc — known to its customers once Google releases the source code of Android 4.0 to the world, which will allow companies like LG, Motorola, HTC and Samsung to work on Ice Cream Sandwich updates for their respective phones . That’s just how the process goes.

So, if you’re disappointed by no-official-update rumors, you have reasons to smile now. But, if you dwell on about how much time it’s gonna take LG to release the ICS update for 2X and other phones, then going by the LG’s slow track record on updates, you’ll only get upset — like many others.

So, root your buddy and say cheers to CM7 and other AOSP-like custom ROMs once they’re out after Google releases the Ice Cream Sandwich source code. Sure, we’ll keep you in the loop as we come across them.

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: