The Huawei Honor 7 is expected to be announced on June 8. Now, a particular shot of the device has been leaked on the social media network Weibo. The leaked image shows the alleged back of the Honor 7 that looks very different from the earlier images that were let out by TENAA.

While the previous rumors suggested the presence of a square shaped camera lens along with dual LED flash and a fingerprint sensor below it, the recent one shows a round camera lens with a single LED flash. This looks like an oval shaped push button fingerprint sensor.

The changes to the shape of the camera lens and the position of the flash are minor. But, the changes to the shape and type of the fingerprint sensor indicated in the latest image leak are significant. The firm is planning to add increased functionality to the new fingerprint sensor besides the usual security aspects.

honor 7

The changes made to the design and fingerprint sensor may leave an effect on the final pricing of the device. There could be a price cut on the Honor 7 by 1000 Yuan if these changes are authentic. Moreover, at this reduced price tag, the Huawei Honor 7 will definitely be a highly competitive device with a fingerprint sensor and 4G LTE support.

Going by the earlier reports, the Huawei Honor 7 is said to feature a 5 inch full HD 1080p display and make use of a Kirin 935 processor paired with 3 GB of RAM and 16 GB of native storage space. The smartphone is likely to arrive in another variant with 4 GB of RAM and 64 GB of storage space.

Source: Weibo