Audi to use Exynos chips in their upcoming cars

German luxury car maker, Audi has signed a deal with Samsung according to an anonymous Samsung executive, as per Chosun Biz. The Korean company will be supplying Exynos chips for the automotive giant, which Audi could use to power its self driving cars.

It’s not known which generation of Exynos chip would be housed in an Audi, but we won’t be surprised it it’s the next gen 10nm chip, Exynos 8895, that will power the Galaxy S8 — or even the Exynos9 chip, that is rumored to be in plans for the Galaxy S9.

Audi has also used Samsung memory chips in the past, so the collaboration between the two might show more integration of tech into cars from the car maker. The company is gearing up to compete with new competition like Tesla and Faraday Friday and hopefully gain favor with electric and self driving cars in the future.

Tesla is leading the race right now, by producing driver-less electric cars, and Audi and other car manufacturers need an ace up their sleeve to catch. Android Auto may not have quite a big role in this sector as car manufacturers tend to make their own software and operating systems to be used in sentient cars like Tesla did with with their P100D, the Model X and so on.

The ongoing International CES should bring us more news on technology so hold tight and keep an eye out for more news.

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